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Zombie Nation for NES (Last Updated 3/24/21)

In case you don’t know Zombie Nation is a side-scrolling shoot ‘em up where you are a floating head, and “NES” stands for “Nintendo Entertainment System.” It can only be played 1 player. You only get 1 life per continue and 5 continues and it tells you how many continues you have left. You pick if you want the difficulty level to be easy or hard and which level 1-4 that you want to start at and in the game they are called “Round I, Round II, Round III, and Round IV.”

The different ways you can play this game are: buy the standalone NES cartridge and it should work in any system that plays NES games. Buy The 100 Best Videogames 143 in 1 Multicart for NES and it works in original NES systems and all Retron systems except the Retron 5 and this is what we have and it works great in our Retron 2. It’s not on the Super Game 500 in 1 Multicart for NES, the Super Game 400 in 1 Multicart for NES, the Ultimate NES Remix 154 in 1 Multicart for NES, the Super Games 150 in 1 Multicart for NES, the Unlicensed Collection 142 in 1 Multicart for NES, or the Pocket Games 30 in 1 Multicart for NES.

The easiest way to beat the game is set the level to round IV and leave the difficulty setting at easy. Use the full health code when you’re almost dead and if you still die don’t continue, no matter how far you are in a level when you die then continue you start at the beginning of that level and then you can’t use the full health code a second time so instead just start over and set the level to round IV and leave the difficulty setting at easy all over again so you can still use the full health code a single time.

This first code is known as the “Konami Code” because it works for a bunch of Konami games (Konami is a company that makes games) and surprisingly it works for this game even though this game was not made by Konami.

Full Health (code must be entered during game play when the game is paused):
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. This can only be done once per game and not once per life (so you can’t use the code again not even after continuing) and no matter how low your health is it will bring it up to full so a good strategy is wait until you are almost dead to use this code.

Sound Test (this code will not work with a multicart but it probably will work with a standalone cartridge since the other code works):
Hold Up+A+B and then reset the NES system.

Game Genie Codes (for North American version):

AVXTEISZ Never die
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