Codes for the best games.

The Philosophy (Last Updated 6/2/23)

We don’t call “game codes” “cheat codes” because the word “cheat” implies something bad and we think game codes are something good. Some games are pretty much impossible to beat without game codes, even for experienced players, so game codes help make games more fun and enjoyable for inexperienced and experienced game players alike.

The idea with is it is a site free for the global gaming community to use, and free with no need to create a log in and password or give your email address and free without having to give your debit card or credit card with some recurring charge if not canceled in time. The idea is the articles here are the best for that particular game of anywhere online as they pertain to using game codes and having fun while playing the game, not the best regarding the history of the game and who the designers were and how many units were sold and for how much etc. The idea is the articles are infinitely updateable and always say the date they were last updated so you know if anything changed and readers are encouraged to contact us if any error –– no matter how small –– is discovered, or if anything could be described in a way that is even more clear. And to make it easy to contact us there’s our email address and cell phone number right on the homepage and with a special link so if you have your email set up on your computer right you can click on it and email us or if you have the right app on your computer you can click on it and call us and so no matter which form of contacting us you prefer, whether it’s email, calling, or texting, you can use that method and any time 24/7. And even if the improvement is just the fixing of a single grammatical error the article still gets a new “last updated” date, but typically an updated article has a bunch of improvements.

With the rise of game code tutorials on YouTube text-based game code websites have become less popular but you can still get the game codes faster with text-based tutorials than even a short YouTube video if the text-based tutorial has an easy to make sense of structure for where the game codes are listed within it –– like is the case here –– so there still is very much a place in the world today for text-based game code websites and there always will be.

The game code articles here “spell it all out” how to use game codes, other game code websites are like “here are the game codes, you figure out how exactly to get them to work” but here instead it says exactly how to get them to work.

There is a leaning here towards popular vintage games on multicarts to help people inexpensively be able to play them as well as a leaning towards vintage games you can play 2 players at one time as that opens the door for multiplayer connection and fun.

The wrong way to look at videogames is it’s like watching a really crappy movie, the right way to look at videogames is it’s interactive fun.

With videogames you have to make the story progress while with movies and TV shows the story progresses effortlessly and while sometimes with videogames that can lead to anxiety especially when you are trying to beat a mission or beat a boss and you want to see what’s next but end up failing, it at the same time can sometimes be liberating as you are the active player making the story progress instead of just a passive spectator. So I look at it as both videogames and movies and TV shows have their place, with it being refreshing after playing videogames for a little while to watch a movie or TV show and equally refreshing after watching a movie or TV show for a little while to play videogames.

Now that we live in an age where the graphics of recently made videogames are almost as good as real life, some might feel why bother with older videogames? But there still is something that can be said for older videogames, they take less time to play from beginning to end which sometimes is better as then you can sit down and start a game of, say, Contra for NES, and then about 25 or 30 minutes later beat the game and see the end of game sequence of taking off in a helicopter and flying away with the island that had the aliens on it behind you blowing up with no feeling of loose ends or unfinished business. Also, with older videogames they are easier to figure out how to play, for Contra, again as an example, one button makes you jump, the other shoot, while some videogames for the PC (such as Half-Life) to fully-play it the best way possible almost every single key on the keyboard has to be set to do something. But other times newer videogames are better since sometimes it’s more fun and engaging to go on a long quest, and sometimes it is more fun to play a game that is more complex to play as it then gives you more to figure out and master, so both older and newer videogames still have their place for every reasonable gamer.

For beginners, everyone has to start somewhere, and so everyone themselves at some point was a beginner no matter how expert level their skills and vast knowledge of a videogame currently are. And speaking of beginners, if someone never got into the sport of playing videogames –– maybe the extent of videogame playing they have had is just on very rare occasion playing arcade machines at pizzerias or bowling alleys –– with countless tens of thousands of titles in existence they just don’t even know where to even begin then this website gives them a place to begin, because they could look at the Half-Life articles and be like “this website says this is the best videogame ever, and I already own a computer, so I’m going to buy Half-Life” or someone else might be like “while this website says Half-Life is the best videogame ever, it just seems too complicated with almost every single key recommended bound for something, so I’m just going to buy a system that plays NES and get some of the NES games listed here as I know there’s only 2 buttons on an NES-style controller besides the directional ones and Select and Start and the NES game that looks the best to me is Contra.”

With board games that have been made into videogames (which is every popular one and many not so popular ones) it won’t let you play the game against the rules (like making a move against the rules with Chess, having an Ace up your sleeve with cards, or having extra Monopoly money in your pocket to bring out when no one is looking with Monopoly) so you don’t have to focus on “am I playing this game in accordance with the rules and is my opponent accidentally or on purpose going against the rules?” and so you can just focus on having fun playing the game making for a better playing experience. While personally I think they call them “board games” because you feel “board” when playing them and I think all card games are boring too and when playing for money are still boring but now are also stressful, I respect the right of people who want to play them and the fact that the videogame version makes for a better playing experience is worth pointing out.

In recent years there has been the rise of esports (organized videogame competitions) that are similar in style to regular professional sports with a large amount of training for the competitors and fans rooting for their favorite team or player and interest in esports is growing at a much faster rate than regular profession sports and is being helped along in a big way by websites such as YouTube and Twitch. And YouTube and Twitch are also helping along in a big way people posting videos they recorded of speedruns (trying to get though a game or single level in a game as fast as they can with the gamers that do them known as speedrunners) and longplays (playing a game as thoroughly as possible from beginning to end with no shortcuts or time constraints with the gamer usually not talking at all and if so very minimally) and Let’s Plays (LPs) which are similar to longplays but are where the gamer does a lot of talking while playing the game, has not necessarily ever even played the game before, and does not necessarily play all of the way to the end of the game. Speedruns, longplays, and Let’s Plays can all be viewed as a type of walkthrough as they all show how to play the game to an extent with some of them intended more as walkthroughs than others. And they are also all are demonstrations of what gameplay looks like in a way, since they all show actual gameplay, and with what the graphics look like and the sound sounds like. For speedruns a speedrunners’s new best time ever is referred to as a new PB (Personal Best) for them.

When playing online games it is important to always be a good sport, a poor sport if he dies tells the other player it was due to a “game glitch” (he’s trying to say there’s something wrong with the design of the game and the other player then accidentally or on purpose exploited that) or due to other player being “cheap” (he’s trying to say the other player used tactics that are both unfair and lame) when really there was no game glitch and the other player’s tactics were perfectly fair, and a poor sport when he wins rubs it in the other player’s face by bragging about it and mocking him and so is a real cyberbully and is not very mature and is not a good person. Because when you say mean and unfair things to another person it really says something bad about you –– and your character –– and not something bad about the other person. Being a good sport means you never call another player a “noob” even if he really is a novice player as the word is like a racial slur against novice players. In addition to not saying the word “noob” you should also say the word “lame” instead of “gay” and not swear or say any other words some might view as offensive, one reason being sometimes kids play online games. You should also say “nice one” when appropriate when it really was a nice one –– unless they have shown themselves to be a disrespectful player –– and “nice one” is often abbreviated “N1” and I wrote a script that will say “nice one” in the automated voice in each of the main multiplayer versions of the videogame Half-Life so it can be used when hosting. The way to go is to be friendly to other players, unless they give you a reason not to be friendly, as you all have a love of the sport of playing that particular game in common. The game is supposed to be a fellowship of people that not only love gaming but love that game in particular, not a bunch of enemies that talk like they not only want to kill each other in the game but also would like to kill each other in real life. And it is after all just a game, it’s supposed to be fun, and so being supportive of one another helps make it fun while saying mean and hurtful stuff does not.

And a reason to always be respectful and not mean in an online videogame is that you don’t know who this other player is, for Half-Life for example they could be someone making big contributions to the sport of Half-Life with owning a website that teaches about it, or be into making innovative maps that they then share, or even they might just be a good person that is just really struggling right now and so is especially not in need of being bullied.

There’s been a rise of websites listing the stats of players of online videogames (so as in: how well they do when playing online), but I feel it’s important to play for fun not for stats and if you are too focused on stats then that makes it less fun as then you worry about what your stats are now going to look like if gaming today didn’t go as well for you as it usually does.

If you’re clean and sober then playing videogames is a clean and sober activity and if you instead like to get intoxicated then videogames is an activity you can do while intoxicated that won’t risk getting you into trouble or endanger anyone like getting behind the wheel of a vehicle will.

Happiness and fun are proven to have measurable impacts on health and longevity and videogames can help with this. Videogames also help to keep someone’s mind active which can help slow some of the mental effects of aging by causing the brain to form new neural connections, an ability know as “neuroplasticity.”

With entertainment it isn’t just “having fun being entertained” but it also is a crucial part of being mentally healthy to have some time spent just on entertainment. And with videogames in addition to entertainment they exercise the mind more since they are interactive and so you have to use your mind to make the events in the game unfold right, so it forces the exercising of the mind unlike a thought-provoking movie where someone has to make the choice to try and make it thought provoking and not just be mindlessly entertained by it.

Spatial skills (like those involved when reading a map or assembling furniture) can be improved if you work at them and videogames help to improve them and videogames also help improve problem solving skills and collaboration skills. Videogames also improve hand-eye coordination if you play them for 30 minutes or so every day. Videogames can even help plan out architecture for future buildings as well as landscape architecture. They’re also entertaining and don’t have negative health consequences. They’re also a reason for friends to get together and socialize while they play multiplayer games or take turns playing single-player games, and are also a way for parents to bond with their children and for romantic couples to bond, as there is some truth to the expression “couples who play together, stay together” as couples that engage in fun and entertaining activities together are more likely to feel happy with their relationship and stay together. Only a small percentage of people become addicted to videogames and anything can become addictive. For most people their videogame playing is perfectly healthy and so overall videogames do more good than bad for the world.

After I finished this article I asked the AI (Artificial Intelligence) chatbot ChatGPT: “What are the benefits of playing videogames?” and this is what it said and it’s actually pretty good:

“Playing video games can offer several benefits, both from a cognitive and social perspective. Here are some of the potential advantages:

Cognitive development: Video games can enhance cognitive abilities, including problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making skills. Many games require players to strategize, analyze information, and make quick decisions, which can improve cognitive flexibility and adaptability.

Hand-eye coordination: Video games often involve precise movements and coordination between the hands and eyes. Regular gaming can enhance hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, which can have practical applications in various real-life activities.

Memory and concentration: Certain video games, particularly those with complex narratives or puzzle-solving elements, can improve memory retention and enhance concentration. Players need to remember details, follow instructions, and maintain focus to progress in the game.

Multitasking ability: Many video games require players to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. This can enhance multitasking skills and the ability to manage and prioritize different activities effectively.

Social interaction: Video games can facilitate social interaction and collaboration, especially in multiplayer or online games. Players can engage with friends or meet new people through gaming communities, fostering teamwork, communication, and social skills.

Stress relief and relaxation: Playing video games can serve as a form of entertainment and stress relief. Immersive gameplay can help individuals relax, unwind, and temporarily escape from real-world pressures.

Creative expression: Some video games provide tools and platforms for creative expression. Players can create and customize characters, build virtual worlds, or design levels, fostering creativity and imagination.

Problem-solving skills: Many video games present players with challenges and puzzles to solve. Engaging in these problem-solving scenarios can improve analytical thinking, creativity, and the ability to find innovative solutions.

Cultural and educational value: Certain video games incorporate historical events, cultural references, or educational content. These games can provide an interactive and engaging way to learn about various subjects, such as history, science, geography, and more.

Motivation and goal setting: Video games often have clear objectives and rewards systems, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Setting and achieving goals within games can translate into increased motivation and goal-setting skills in real-life situations.

It's important to note that the benefits of playing video games can vary depending on factors such as game genre, duration of play, age appropriateness, and moderation. It's advisable to maintain a healthy balance between gaming and other activities, and to choose games that align with personal interests and values.”
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