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Raiden Trad for SNES (Last Updated 3/24/21)

In case you don’t know Raiden Trad is an overhead shoot’em up where you fly a jet fighter like ship against aliens, and “SNES” stands for “Super Nintendo Entertainment System.” It can be played 1 player or 2 players, and when playing 2 players the 2 players don’t alternate, they play simultaneously, and there’s no way to accidentally or on purpose hurt each other or get in each other’s way.

It’s a game that you would really want to have a turbo controller for if it wasn’t for the fact that it has a turbo function built-in. For those of you that don't know, “turbo” is where when you hold the button down it acts as if the button were being pressed as fast as it can be pressed, and “turbo” is also known as “rapid-fire.”

The different ways you can play this game are: buy the standalone SNES cartridge and it should work in any system that plays SNES games. Buy the Super 100 in 1 Multicart for SNES and it works in original SNES systems and all Retron systems except the Retron 1 (since it does not have a SNES game port) and the Retron 5 and this is what we have and it works great in our Retron 2. It’s not on the Super 102 in 1 Multicart for SNES.

The easiest way to beat the game is go to configuration and set Hero (lives) to 5, Bomber (number of bombs you start with per life) to 5, Level (difficulty level) to easy, and leave Rapid (turbo also known as rapid-fire) on.

The configuration options are written in a hard to understand code so here are the configuration options and their translations:

Hero (lives and the maximum is 5).
Bomber (number of bombs you start with per life and the maximum is 5).
Level (difficulty level).
Rapid (turbo also known as rapid-fire).
B.G.M (song sound test: you can hear the different types of songs in the game when you press start after making your selection).
S.E. (non-song sound test: you can hear the different types of non-song sounds in the game when you press Start after making your selection).
Exit (select this when you’re done with your selections and press Start and your selections will be automatically saved).
Name of B.G.M (name of the song selected).

Game Genie Codes (for North American version):

Unlimited lives for player 1:
Unlimited lives for player 2:
Both players are invincible:
Unlimited bombs:
Start with 10 credits:
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